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Monica Xiao | Piano Music Posts

Game Music

How to get people to listen to your music, probably in a cycle, for 100+ times without getting crazy 🙂 ? The answer is given as the title of this post.

Last week I was making some music for a  game that a friend’s company recently developed. The company’s name is “C-peak”. Previously they made gaming illustrations and 3D modeling.  It is a lovely android game called “Yi Zhan Feng Shen”(一战封神). In the game you fight with the powerful or the sexy spirits from the legends of China.

I will upload the tracks after it is officially launched. Update: The game is now launched!

I just love their graphics!

Yi Zhan Feng Shen

Music made all over the world

Norway, Malta, US, now I am in France, which means the 4th time selling/buying a piano 🙂 Think I could make a living flipping pianos? I’ve got so much experience!

Just updating my website with some recent compositions. I would like to notice you that the first song “Southern Wind, Northern Sand” features me playing the soprano recorder, an instrument I practiced a lot recently.

Many thanks to my husband who let me steal his precious photos from our Morocco trip, which is by the way, the inspiration of “Southern Wind, Northern Sand”. We were trapped in a Sahara sand storm in the middle of the dessert, and therefore had to (with great pleasure) play drums with two Nomad kids, in a tent with sand and wind coming in and out the whole time.


Another thing I would like to share is a video of me playing “Grassy Green”, a composition inspired by a poet friend of mine, 陈初之. The poem has the same name as the song, in Chinese it’s “草青”.

I really enjoy her writings, but chances are you do not know the language, so the only way is to listen to the music 🙂

Paint the sound

I made this painting according to Monet’s work. It was several months before I made the music piece Water Lily. The melody has a small contrast between chords, like the flowers and their images gently twisted in the lake.

